Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Little Imaginative One

So this week has been trying with our little "imaginative one". First, she was rescued from a 12 foot ladder at the park the other day by a maintenance man. No way for "oh-so-pregnant" Mommy to climb up to get her. Then, during naptime, she decided to play monkey and hang from her curtains. This wouldn't have been so bad if she had not had an explosive #2 in her diaper at the time. Yep, #2 on the curtains. Then yesterday, she found a pen while Mommy was in the shower. She decided Mommy and Daddy's sheets were "signature" sheets.

So I think God is trying to tell me to be patient on the arrival of baby #2. I will listen and try to enjoy the last days of my alone time with my "oh-so-challenging" toddler.

Somebody needs to bring me a stiff drink to the hospital. Who's volunteering?

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